Colorado's leader in NDT inspections
Our expert NDT inspectors provide visual verification for the integrity of welds and other products.
Colorado's leader in NDT inspections!
One of our premier NDT methodologies! We have the ability to test carbon steel up to 6" thick and concrete up to 20".
Colorado's leader in NDT inspections!
Our facility can provide testing for welders, welding operators, and tack welding.
Non-destructive testing
We offer our expertise in a wide variety of NDT methodologies
Eddy Current Testing
Eddy current testing is non-destructive testing (NDT) inspection method used for a variety of purposes including surface and subsurface flaw detection, cracks in bolt holes, material and coating thickness measurements, material identification and establishing the heat treatment condition of certain materials.
Liquid Penetrant
The liquid penetrant inspection method is based on the ability of certain types of liquids to enter into voids and crevices by capillary action and to remain there when the surface liquid is removed.
Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic testing is a non-destructive method of detecting, locating, and evaluating internal discontinuities in metals and other materials.
Meet the Nondestructive testing Experts
Besides being experts in the NDT field, our team is capable of providing welding certification testing.
holds the following certifications:
- ASNT Certified
- AWS CWI Certified
- FAA Repair Station #FS6R104E

60+ Years Experience
Intermountain Testing Company has been providing NDT services and inspections since 1960. Our team of NDT professionals can tackle any project thrown their way.